Peace: the road that leads to war — Part 3
The two former “brokers” in the Middle East “peace process” were the United States and Russia. The former Soviet Union supplied more arms to the Arab Middle East than any nation in the world. Following hard on the heels of the Soviets was the United States, who, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, has not only taken first place, but also greatly increased its input. The Russian Federation, led by ex-KGB officer Vladimir Putin, is today seeking to reassume the former Soviet Union’s position as an influential power in the Middle East and is stepping up its involvement by supplying weapons to Iran, Somalia, Syria, Egypt, et al.
Both the Soviet Union and the United States grew fat on the billions from the sale of weapons to the Arab states—weapons that have been used against Israel. Today these two “brokers” are part of what is called the “Quartet,” a group of four made up of “envoys” from the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. The U.S. (President Barack Hussein Obama excepted) genuinely wants to help Israel find peace, but that comes at the cost of Israel having to jump through American hoops. Russia continues to supply arms to rogue nations in the Middle East and has its own agenda in the region, which is to stiff the U.S. whenever it can and become the preeminent player in the Middle East; peace in the Middle East is counterproductive to the Russian Federation’s agenda therefore it is not interested in that getting off the ground. The United Nations is the most anti-Semitic, anti-Israel organization in the world and works against Israel at every opportunity. The European Union differs only slightly from the U.N. in its anti-Semitic-anti-Israel makeup and usually, as a matter of policy, takes the Arab side against Israel.
Whenever an Arab terror entity launches an unprovoked war against Israel and Israel responds militarily, the U.N. inevitably calls for an investigation of Israeli actions. Israel is invariably judged as being guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, et al, while completely ignoring all missile attacks upon Israeli civilian areas and other actions of the terror organization, which themselves are war crimes and crimes against humanity and were the provocation that ignited the particular Israeli military response. This the U.N. has done after each war that Hamas, the largest Palestinian terror organization, has initiated.
Outside of the U.N. the European Union is Israel’s fiercest critic. A number of the E.U.’s leading politicians are openly anti-Semitic; several in Britain openly berate Israel with anti-Semitic epithets, and one British political party leader and a member of the British government has even declared the city of Bradford an “Israeli free zone,” and makes public the fact that the city does not want Israeli tourists to visit, or any Israeli products to be sold. Politicians in other parts of Europe—the Irish, French, and Swedish for example—are only slightly less anti-Semitic than the British politicians, and several member countries of the E.U. are helping the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) campaign against Israel by either refusing to sell Israeli products or enforcing the labeling of Israeli products in order to show customers that the goods were not produced within the bounds that the E.U. has determined Israel’s final borders must be.
With such enmity against Israel from all points of the compass, and Israel-hostile nations clamoring to have a greater say in the Middle East peace process, Israel is in danger of being forced into suicidal pacts with the Arabs, while the nations themselves step up their arms sales to Arab states, who in turn divert the weapons to terror organizations that dream of a New Middle East entirely devoid of the presence of Israel, which is under a weapons embargo from E.U. countries.
In former premier Yitzhak Rabin’s “New Middle East” the Jews and Arabs would have been totally separated. In Rabin’s successor, former prime minister Shimon Peres’s “New Middle East,” the Jewish state would have been absorbed into the Islamic Middle East. In the 20 years of “peace negotiations” with the Arabs since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin for his pro-peace policies, the only change in the Middle East appears to have been ones of leadership. The cherished hope of Israel’s disappearance appearing over the horizon has eluded the Arabs, therefore the nations are determined to work more intensively upon Israel in order to make “peace” happen. Such is their delusion.
To be continued
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